Did you know human trafficking is the second largest criminal activity in the nation? It can happen anywhere, even in our own backyards here in Alabama.
While no one knows with certainty the exact number, it’s estimated between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked in the U.S. each year, and the average age a teen enters the sex trade in the U.S. is 12 to 14. 

In order to thrive, children need protection. That’s where Blanket Fort Hope steps in. Locally based in Prattville, Blanket Fort Hope is a fortress of safety for child victims of human trafficking, forging a path of purpose and hope for our children.
This nonprofit organization is one that is very near and dear to us here at Dreamgate Events. We are all about planning a good party, but even more so, we are passionate about serving our community.
We want to support the mission of loving and caring for child trafficking victims through housing and other services, as well as the educative efforts behind preventing this criminal act.
The Dreamgate Events team strives to stay involved with this organization through planning its fundraising and awareness events, and we would love for our fans to get involved too!
Coming up this April, we are hosting an official launch party for Blanket Fort Hope at the Pelham Civic Complex. Our event will feature prominent guest speakers and a brief slide show, along with snacks, awareness materials and information about upcoming events.
The main event—Blanket Fort Hope’s main fundraiser—will be held in August, and we are super excited to be involved. We are planning a 3-on-3 basketball tournament to benefit the organization, complete with celebrity guests, live entertainment, and involvement from communities and schools in the Birmingham area.
Stay tuned for more details about these worthwhile events and future opportunities to support this important cause.
“Hold the fort” is our rallying cry—a call to action. Join us in supporting a safe place for our children. Blanket Fort Hope and Dreamgate Events are committed to holding the fort no matter the challenge. Our children are worth it!
Until next time,
The Dream Team